
  • heymari September issue (2022)
    Translations/Interviews 2023. 1. 15. 18:18

    COVER INTERVIEW_ Model of heymari September issue, her smile like the warm sunshine ‘Chaeyeon’


    Q. You've become the cover model for the September issue of <heymari>! Please share how you feel.
    I'm so excited to appear on a magazine with Chaeri and Chaeso. Our country dog-looking kids are becoming models! I'm so proud.

    Q. A pictorial with your pet is quite special, how do was it?
    Even ordinary pets like Chaeri and Chaeso get to shoot pictorials, I'm half worried and half excited about it.

    Q. Was there anything you prepared before the shoot?
    I bought new harnesses for them, have the kids groomed and also taught them manners in a way. Haha.

    Q. Please introduce the pets who are with you today.
    Chaeri is 5 years old and a Maltese. She's a fiesty and sensitive haughty girl. Chaeso is 4 years old and a Maltese of course, but she has a completely different personality. She's innocent and a girl filled with an airhead beauty.

    Q. How did you end up living with your pets?
    Firstly, Chaeri is a kid that we adopted from my dad's colleague. We got her with no preparations/experience so the whole family raised her while we studied together. We brought Chaeso in after we saw how she was not able to meet any good owners for a long time.

    Q. Were there any moments you felt happy while living with your pets?
    When I see their gaze as they look at me, when they sit with their butts facing me. It's really really lovely and adorable. Also, it might sound a little unique but it's so cute when she pretend that she doesn't know when I call her by her name like "Chaeso~". Chaeri is the top 1 beauty among the daughters of our household, and her back-view when waiting for the family members at the door is really pretty.

    Q. Do you have any special episode with Chaeri and Chaeso?
    My dad once missed the leash while he was on a walk with Chaeri. All of the family members were searching for her and one hour later, Chaeri was waiting at the public entrance of the apartment. My mom and dad had a big fight over this and my dad nearly left the house. Haha.

    Q. Although you never lack when you care for your pets, but were there any moments you felt sorry towards them?
    Chaeri and Chaeso are residing at my parents' place. It's unfortunate that the time we meet is decreasing. Chaeri and Chaeso must also miss me a lot and feels sad too?

    Q. Chaeri and Chaeso are of course as popular as celebrities? You can feel the affection in their pictures and it's really pretty, is there a secret to taking good pictures?
    Rather than trying to take good pictures, I made a social media account to save my family's memories, but I think I tried harder to take pictures after that.

    Q. Do you often do outdoor activities such as camping with your pets?
    We haven't tried camping but I live in a small housing so they spend a lot of time playing on the grass or at the terrace. Especially Chaeso who loves the smell of flowers.

    Q. I wonder if there's anything different after meeting your current pets.
    When the family is making loud noises, Chaeso quietly goes up to the second floor. I think we are careful when we converse because we are conscious of Chaeri. The 1st rank on the hierarchy of our household is Chaeri.

    Q. Pets said to resemble their guardians, have you ever felt that your pets resemble you?
    Me, Chaeri and Chaeso like our homes the most. We are the happiest when we're at home. We feel the happiest when we play at home, rest at home, eat at home, and stay at home.

    Q. What kind of existence do you want to be for your pets?
    When dogs deviate from the pack, they feel that it's their fault to be blamed. Isn't it sad that they think it's their fault without putting the blame on others? My family and I will always be by Chaeri and Chaeso's side.

    Q. If there's a place that's nice to go with your pets that only you know about, please recommend it.
    Simhaksan perimeter road. Sitting in the pavilion at the top with Chaeri and Chaeso drinking refreshing water, and iced americano for me. It's such a sweet taste.

    Q. Lastly, if you have anything you want to say to expecting companions and to the readers of <heymari>, please say it!
    Companions also have the same weight of responsibility as the love they received from their pets. You can feel the absolute love of your parents from your pets. It's something I'm so thankful for. I will cherish the precious memories with <heymari> forever! Thank you.

    by: flywitheleven