
  • 190111 Lee Chaeyeon Birthday Interview (2019)
    Translations/Interviews 2021. 6. 9. 20:36

    IZ*ONE Lee Chaeyeon “First birthday after fulfilling the dreams of debuting, an unforgettable moment”

    What do you think you’ll be doing on your birthday?
    I think I'll be practicing hard with the IZ*ONE members. And I think I’ll be receiving the most wishes I’ll have in my life.

    How do feel about celebrating your first birthday after debuting?
    It will be an unforgettable moment for me to be celebrating my birthday as IZ*ONE's Lee Chaeyeon after fulfilling my long-time dream of debuting.

    What does the meaning of birthday holds to the Chaeyeon now?
    Even though birthdays come and go, but at least for this one day in a year, it feels extra special because it’s a day where I somewhat feel excited for no reason.

    If you were to choose a good and bad thing from having your birthday during winter?
    I think something good would be getting cool digits for the front of my ID number because my birthday is on 11th January (000111). As my birthday is during January where school breaks takes place, it’s a pity that I wasn’t able to celebrate much with my friends during my schooling days.

    Do you have anything special you do on your birthday?
    I think receiving many wishes from WIZ*ONEs who always loves us and the IZ*ONE members is the most special! I'm really thankful to everyone.

    What is Chaeyeon’s very first memory of life?
    I remember a time when I was wearing a yellow bandana and waddling in front of a really massive sculpture?

    Can you tell us how you currently feel about being a year up?
    I’m not afraid of being older, and I think it’s a time for me to get a little more mature. And I wish to be an adult who is a role model to someone out there.

    What do you want to hear the most on your birthday?
    The words I want to hear the most are “You’re living well” and “You’re doing great”. Whenever I hear these words, I feel the need to show everyone a better side of me, and it makes me work harder for the best in every moment.

    If you were to pick a song that fits your birthday the best?
    It would be Suzy sunbaenim’s ‘Winter Child’. I think it fits the most as my birthday is during winter.

    An age that you look forward to the most?
    It would be when I become 25. I’m curious on how far I’ll grow as a singer, what would my desired musical colours turn out to be, and what challenges have I taken up by the age of 25.

    What’s the most special birthday present?
    Rather than presents, I think that the time spent with my family felt more special.

    Any presents you wish to receive in the future?
    I'm already receiving a lot of it now, but it would be WIZ*ONEs’ love. It’s the reason I’m able to stand on stage, and also the reason I want to stand on stage.

    Are there any celebrities you wish to receive birthday greetings from?
    I want to receive wishes from all the seniors that have the same birthday as me. And very personally, I would wish to receive it from Sunmi, Heize, Hyuna and Chungha. I know that it seems greedy but they are seniors whom I very much look up to. I want to work a little harder to put my name out there so that I can receive birthday greetings from at least one of them next year.

    What would you do if you were given free time on your birthday?
    I want to go on a holiday with my beloved parents and 4 siblings.
    (T/N: Her siblings are, Chaeryeong (ITZY), Chaemin, Chaeri (her puppy), Chaeso (her puppy))

    Anyone you would wish to thank on your birthday?
    First of all, I would like to thank my parents who brought me to this world and actively supported and cheered for me in order to achieve my dreams. Even though there were times where I whined, got mad, and caused trouble, I realised that they were the ones closest to me whenever I was down. To my parents, I sincerely thank you and love you for giving birth to me. WIZ*ONEs! Thank you so much for giving me so much love even though I’m still lacking a lot. It’s hard for me express my happiness through text because it’s the most birthday wishes I’ve ever received in my life.

    As your birthday is on the beginning of the year, do you have a goal that you wish to accomplish this year?
    I always feel a sense of accomplishment whenever I managed to get through something, so I want to master the Japanese language and learn something, let it be anything.

    Please say something to yourself for your birthday.
    You’ve worked hard so far, let’s keep setting and achieving new goals, and promote happily in the future. Fighting!

    by: flyingeleven